Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I feeling bad because i been really bad. Think things about me have been going out of hand and in the process i have lost a friend. Well it is my fault to begin with and i don deny that.

I must have been going bonkers lately and i don deny that what i had asked for and my actions for it is nothing short of wrong. Well, i aint perfect and my actions is something in which i will be responsible for. The good and the bad actions. But unlike of those whom do not seek apologies, i made my apologies to this friend 6 messages.

To err is human. It is great for a man to be able to seek forgivesness and greater is the man who can forgive others. That is what i learn and that is a principle i stick to. I don deny i make errors and mistakes in my life. But having since apologising for it a few times, i think i have duly taken responsible of my mistakes and i guess i don enough damage control on my end.

To this friend of mine, I am sorry for what i said or done.I did my piece and did my apologies. If it meant losing u as a friend and all then yeah so be it. I respect that decision. On my end, i did my part so I wishing you all the best and take good care of yourself.

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