Tuesday, June 12, 2007

There been many a times that i seen things happening here in Singapore that i do have to say is such an irony. Sometimes it become so starking obvious that the actions that was taken or decided on is the exact opposite of what was preached or told.

On a personal note, from experiences that i been told or first hand seen with my own eyes how on the Media was portraying about the homosexual issues and that the government is no longer on the anti homosexual and etc and yet there are times where i see a homosexual being subjected to scrutiny not because of his/her merits but because of her sexuality. I can just understand the insult and the humiliation he/she had to go through with these kind of treatment. In other words no matter how good he/she is, she is forever subjected and judged on his/her sexuality. Such an irony. Look at the media and its frenzy feedback from the general public. Honestly speaking, to the lady(forget her name) and whoever is against the homosexuals citing them as gallivants, pest of society, ill depraving sex manic depression problematic people, telling how the lifestyle of social ills and associatin with aids and HIV. Seriously, it is sad to see these people are highly educated and at times are even in respectable professions and positions and yet they have such a sheltered shallow perspective of life. Seriously, does being homosexual means one is incapable of executing their jobs well, that they are blinded and thus are unable to perform the task at hand? it is funny how the ills of the homosexual are highlighted in public and yet things like the high divorce rate are not mentioned and the heterosexuals, the ills of having extra marital affairs, the frequent meet with social escorts or prostitutes locally or overseas say Batam and etc are not considered the social ills of the society. These actions by these people are considered normal and not a social problem or even the personal problems. So to these people open your eyes big. One of the main socialproblems the heterosexuals are facing maybe residing in your own life or doors. to them i say GET A LIFE and start growing up. Just by being heterosexual that doesnt make u first class human being.. or better than others.

Irony is the word that is practice here. Basically like in Ovidia Yu's play in the Battles of the playrights, the black crows are let out once in a while or a few are let out so that the world have an impression that they are pro homosexuals and that what i can friendly towards the alternative people and yet day in day out you see or hear how the homosexuals are subjected to many discrimination and etc.

The Alfian Saat in todays paper the reason on his merits or his academics are the reason for him not being able to teach (hear this) PART TIME Teacher.. not even full time is a BIG LAUGH OFF! Seriously that kind of reason works on toddlers, who they trying to kid. It is a huge starking obvious reason why he wasnt allowed to be a part time teacher despite bagging awards for his theater plays and all not to mentioned a Raffles student whom bagged many As.The irony of it all. It is no wonder all the wonders of intelligent brains left Singapore to go overseas.

To begin with whoever i want to be its my life and its what up to me why i want to live it. Who are you to judge how i live my life. IF you think your life is perfect then by all means go live yours don dictate others. If my work and my capabilities is good what has my life got to do with it? Who are you to be the judge?what makes u think you are qualified to judge when your own life is not perfect. So to you out there whoever you are.. two words for you BUZZ OFF!

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