Thursday, July 26, 2007

Today was an eventful day for me..First and foremost my CITIBANK credit card got the approval and TAH DAAH i the proud new owner of a credit card yeah.. hehehe.. but thats not what this posting is about... but its about

Let see dear Indera got for us both tickets to watch Asian Boys Volume 3.. If you readers don know what that is its from the wildrice production( the play a touch heavily on gay life is someting like an autobiography of the gay life.

The Theatre play by Alfian Saat brought so much emotions in me that at certain points in the show i actually teared up.. Yeah me teared up and at some other points it hits me with a smile.. The first half of the show touches lightly on the discovery of one being gay and of course the first love. the idealistic of it all and etc. They first half was light hearted brings much smiles and I watch it in the view of a third person watching in on someone life...

THe second half of the show in which it drawn more on the complexity of actually being gay in a society bound by its traditions and conservative. The heavy tone of problems and the pressures all rises up and showcase how each of us faces these daily in our lives makes this show very close to my heart.. the myriad of characters were too easy for me identify with myself. the problems were so real and it does hit close to me and also about being in civil service and etc..

The leaving certain part of you behind when moving into the adulthood and how you missed your old self that you left behind.. the pressure of lviing up to society norms, the working life where judgement is everywhere.. the standing up for your rights.. the penal code and many more issues that hit close to home.. is so true.. the part where leaving Singapore because of all the unneccesary troubles it brings does ring a bell to many in the audience..

so to the cast of wildrice.. KUDOS... you guys did a great job in bringing us in into the thearte and bringing the script to life.. it was so engaging you felt connected to all the characters in the show.. to alfian a great script written that hits home run thousand and one times.. to the director ivan heng for the great cast and great directing in bringing about some serious topic in a very light and easy to accept manner and how the flow of it all just FANTASTIC...

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