Monday, July 09, 2007

Today as of any other day is a start of the week through what i call the five living days of hell before you get two days of heaven and back to another Five days of hell. The cycle here repeats itself for what i can say the rest of my life till i draw my last breath. Now based on the last 30 seconds of reading this line you may think i am this bleak moron who has all negative comments about life..

Today however was slightly different day for me.Though the day is downcast, life kinda felt at ease today just like the breeze that is sweeping by. Mom felt the chill and have the windows closed. She afraid of the cold.Love her.:P Dad downstairs waiting for me to get down there and well go to work together. I guess eversince Brother married. I was his only other son left with him. I know he seems to pay attention to me more nowadays. The motorcycle ride to work together somehow is the time he has to spend time with me. Somehow i sense it up from him much about this. he treasures the silent ride with me as much as i do with him. I guess he does miss his sons growing up and with brother hardly keepin in contact with us. I am his only other son left for him to dote on.

Well anyway today ride was pleasant one for me. With my ears plug to the songs of over it and say ok, i actually today took the time to look up instead of looking at the endless stream of cars and bikes all wheezing pass by and honking trying to get to work.. it actually look nice when you see the sky and the trees and greeneries. It sort of have that calming effect and serenity that is so lacking here in Singapore. I might have to say though i might have looked ridiculous with my head facing up ears plug wearing a helmet and smiling and singing to myself in OFFICE WEAR. Dear god what was i thinking but any o how.. it was a good ride to work. Mind was cleared body aching but felt relaxed.

Another big headache that is looming over my head now is the many overhead costs that i have to bear due to me wanting to do my degree. Gosh so much spending each month paying off all kind of debt. BUt well like they say these are good investments. so let me recapped and see if they are good investments.

Phone : Neccesary to get in contact since i on the move alot.

Internet : neccesity. I need to get in contact with the world.

Investment and Insurance : Need i say more.

Loans : sofa and decor in my room. already did it so have to pay for it Neccesity cause room now lks more live in and makes mom happy with new sofa and old one can finally get rid off.

Loan : Poly loan. Need to pay it off because got another loan now Degree Loan. SIGH. Investments for my future.

Laptop : Neccesary since school is starting need these things. Groan and YEAH!

Gym Monthly fee : Need i say more. Investment on the body is neccesary. :P

I need to make more money. Need to find some sidelines to do one that doesnt compromise the limited time i already have and morality kekekeke...

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