Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Well here an entry on my virgin trip to the infamous Cafe Del Mar in Sentosa.. together with two belle Idah and Yan. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Yan and Idah was given insight into my complex hidden life. Not entirely but enough for them to somehow get an insight into how complicated my life has been. The facade of what i show and what i really am.. Well anyway its a start for me opening up to people..ZIPPED Cut it Short, we went there at Nite and the blardy rain kinda dampen the place we sat outside nearer to beach... Things were kinda soggy and wet but knowing us we all were just crapping and being the crazy bunch enjoying and relaxing the night away.. an appetiser to the whole sentosa trip was a dose of shopping for Yan and Idah at topshop and this other girly shop.. hehe.. forgot the name.. Look at the wacky trio.. Had a wacky time with them... will have more to come...

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