I always have this fascination for elves. There is always something about these elves that makes me so drawn to them. Now i not just talking about the pictures or whoever plays the eleves (though of course it is an added point if the elves is super cute, see this one and i rest my case). The point is its the characteristics of these elves that makes me very facscinated with them. A minus point would be the ears.. hehe but then again some look quite sexy with the ears like Arwen in LOTR.
Let me elaborate why these elves fascinates me. I love playing elves in any games that interest me. Now in my opinion elves is the epitome of what i call "of grace and finesse". They have this gracelike walk and talk that makes you always in awe of them. They carry themselves with such class that in modern times they are what you call the "atas" people. You seen in the countless shows, games and movies, these elves are always in style, commune with the nature surrounding and be it the healer elves, the warrior elves or even the common elves, they always look ever prepared for a runway show...
Elves (if there ever was a real ones) would be so adorned by the supermodel likes of Naomi, Tyra and etc (as you know it). They have this sillouette figures. Slim figures that will ensure those slimming centres can close down for good. They can be warriors and yet have a killer bod. If the enemies were fat and ugly people just barring themselves would have these fat killers commit suicide, knowing that these ppl are nimble fast warriors and most of all slim and URGH! in shape.
Another characteristics of elves. One word *SHARP*. Sharp features. Sharp keen eyesight. Sharp hearing. Sharp everything and with that i rest my case.
Last but not least. two Characteristics that I envy most about these elves are longevity and wisdom. Living long life is one thing but living a long life say.. 500 years old and you look like 25 DAMN! Again I rest my case. Well the wisdom is bonus.. I mean COME ON PPL, you live that long and you are still daft about everything then GOSH! pretty sad. I rest my case again.
Now after that long and ardous lecture on Elves you may wonder why.. this topic on a man made race that doesnt even exist (though i know some people may seems to differ). Simple, elves and whoever created elves is a mirror of the nearest perfect form that we (yes you and me) wants to be. It is a creature that is both perfect and imperfect. It encompasses the wants that we want in life and the one that was bestowed to all of us in life itself.
Sounds Cheem... well let me make it simpler with a series of questions. Don we all want long life? Longevity, we have so heard it one far too many times when well wishes are always sugared with words of longevity in life blah blah blah.. what makes elves our mirror image is that though they live long life yet they are succeptible to illnesses, being murdered and killed which shorten what could have been a long life. Now isnt that something that encompasses the wants that we want and the one that we have which is timely/untimely death?
Physical traits of an elves is something that everyone is achieving name it.. slimming pills, dieting, eye operations for keen sight, hearing aids and etc.. Doesnt the characteristics of elves like being nimble fast, sharp keen senses, slim, skillful and etc embodies all the wants of everyone? Yet at the same time, all these characteristics partly or at least one of them do belong to each and everyone of us. What elves has is a summation of all of us into one.
Wisdom. The word itself explains all that needed to be said.
Now that i have related why my fascination with elves are all about? Will you be fascinated as I would be? Dont you wanna be the nearest perfect human being on earth? Perfect is something one may wish for but being human.. like they say to err is human.. we are bound to make mistakes.. I don wish to be a god or a demi god.. i aim lower close enough to the demi gods... the elves.. If you cant reach the sky then settle for something lower.. I want to be the elves.. the envy to most people not because i perfect but because i a human with the least flaw. The positive points make me envy of others and yet the flaws make me real than fake..
"This insertion of todays posting is one of those days of my rare thoughts flowing through so if its too long winded, Sorry! Today is my ponder ponder postings"
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