FrOzEn SaNcTuArY
aLL tHeRe Is To KnOw AbOuT mE & My LiFe~!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Well it turned out that the show had more depth to it and more reflection than i thought.. The show did well in making one think and making one able to connect with the characters in the show.. the definition of love, the idealism behind the one and fate and the idea of you know it when it happens to you..
What the show din tell you is this " What happens when IT happens to you but then the IT does not happen to the other person, then what?" The show informs of the hard sordid truth that everything mostly is a conincidence, something that happens at the right or wrong time to you, he loves her but she not looking for a boyfriend but in the end became someone's wife, as bitter as the truth was she did say something honestly " I found it in him something which i couldnt find in you". Its a hard piece of truth but that truth is the best medication for him because by knowing the truth that he isnt her IT could he then finally move on and goes on again.. She however stole something from him the idealism of something positive but however gave him the tenacity and the will to carry on living and becoming stronger and taking things with a pinch of salt..
I hate the idea that the show makes me remember my last IT and how it tore me apart and took me a while to piece myself together and in many sense, that me is piece together but never really am complete anymore nor is it ever the same, in a way i lose some and i gain some.
IT decided to end what we were having at the stroke of midnight to 2009. Decision made a while back and i guess i failed to make IT change his mind.. three months of sadness that overwhelm me and that each day a storm always hangs over my head. My smile was forced and the sadness was hidden behind a face that void of expression.
Days become deary and literally sometimes you pig out hoping the food digest it away or listen to music, getting in bed and stayin in bed.. basically do everything you can do make it go away.. or make it stay either way it not healthy.. It took three month mourning, two months in the States and one two more months of stablising myself that i decided to open up and move on and get to know people out there not to find a replacement but just to start living again and hopefully if IT happens again may it be mutual...
I stop hoping much for it lest i be dissapointed again and falls back on the ground..though deep in my heart i do want to sleep at night in the arms of someone i can call my own, waking up to see IT still sleeping and breathing looking all serene or waking up seeing IT lking at me and feeling belong.. Having something to look forward to after the end of a hard day of work, a meal or something along that line...
Its the companion that miss most, the known idea that you can snuggle into the person arms or have your arms around the person, talking nonsense being that crazy you and all knowing that even after despite knowing you the person still loves you for who you are..
I guess in us, humans the most important thing that makes us human is attachment. it is with attachments that one opens up to loving someone and making sacrifices and being just..happy.
Contentment pours in when the attachment is there, when you grown to love the work you do or the job you are in the attachment makes you stay and be productive, when you start loving the people around you, the attachment makes you keep them in your mind, heart and communicate always, keeping them close..
I never knew if the IT will happen to me again.. and if it does happen will my IT be the same feeling that feel with the last IT, will i know that this is IT or will i doubt it and wonders about it, scare to embrace it remembering how it tore me apart or that i will embrace the IT knowing that the last failed one has made me more resilient to find what is ultimately my own happiness and that of finding the right coincidence that is rightfully mine?
I guess it is true although as much the fact that i always cherish you being around it feels empty now that you have gone away not forever but for a while away.. and with your absence i guess i have to be more independent and work my way around the time of your absence.. My confidante..Well i do good and i do well...
I did my graduation at Ritz Carlton Hotel in Singapore.. Initially i did not have any intention of doing it but well for my parents i decided to go for it and i am glad i did it because what my mom expressed to me was something that i felt more accomplished then actuallly finishing the degree. Mom says she felt that she could finally feel so relieve that all the years of her hard work and prayers have finally came and that she finally see one of her children going up there in the robe she had always wish she get to see.. That is enough for me.. At least i did my parents proud..
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
I notice the change in behavior for quite a while eversince the day he left my house.The behavior then soon relates to many miscommunications and many exasperation on both ends. You end or starts the arguments always over the sms through the phone. At many a times i wonder why we cant talk face to face.. It is sad that again i have failed yet in another attempt at a relationship. It burns and hurt alot and i trying to deal with the situation. The last few strings of messages really were filled with more hurt anger and cynism that i never thought would come my way. Afterall all this while i always been tolerating, swallowing and never once blew my top or reveal my upmost displeasure to you..
I gave what i got and my questions to you on are we dating ( you never seems to be able to admit to that) and questions like Are you dating anyone else( you wanted an open dating relationship) peeves you off in which i do not understand why does that peeves you. You call me insecurity and etc.. when all i wanted was just firstly i do not want to assume things that only one side had agreed on.. and the second questions was a legitimate question to ask since that was you who wanted an open relationship. Wanting to know from you and understand you seems to peeve you off..
Whatever it is it hurts when you brush me off so easily.. i gave all that i got and this is the brunt that i received. I saw in your profile that you seeing someone special.. i know its bad to think of it but somehow i felt you had a change of heart and i guess found someone else. You moved on i guess that good, i still trying but seeing the word " Seeing someone special" stings because throughout the time we are dating your status was "single" and now when i see that new change in your profile it disheartening to know that that someone special never did or never was me in the first place..
I wish you all the happiness in the world Riyan.. for whoever it is you choose that accompany and walk with you in life.. " To love someone is to set someone free and see him happy" i really did like you alot and i know i could have love you unconditionally but i guess that not enough for you..
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Monday, March 03, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Just like in the picture here, i at a cross road again. I cant help it but feel rather down and out today. No doubt i received the sms and all but somehow or rather something does not seems to be flowing right?
Why the avoidance whenever the question of meet up is asked? Why promised night after night to call you back later but not a single time a call is made back despite me informing that I be sleeping late or waiting for his call. Why the reply does not come in when i asked about is your weekend off still valid? Is there something I should know? I need to talk to you so that i can know what is going on? I don want to play any games and i am not interested to play any games. Just be straight direct and true thats all i asking for even if the answer is a bitter one i rather swallow a bitter pill than to just hang by the noose and not knowing whether to hang or be hanged? I am sick of uncertainty and i am tired of trying to figure the games. I either am good at it or sucks at it either way it doesnt bode me well. So please just be direct with me.. I hate being on the neither here nor there kind of place. Its very disturbing and making me going through a roller coaster..